Monday, March 3, 2008

The Great Mouse Detective

My house now scares the crap out of me. With this winter of freezing-ness, it has brought into my house every dang mouse in the near vicinity. Ever since we've moved in here, we've had mice problems, but right now, it just seems ridiculous. I've seen so many mice the last two days, I'm afraid to walk around this place, lest I run into one. Yesterday, as I was cutting Sweet Pea's hair (yes, I cut my dogs hair. I think its adorable) a little mouse ran from behind the desk to the door to my office, panicked, and ran back. I, of course, freaked out, cutting poor Sweet Pea (don't worry, she lived) and screamed, jumping up onto the table. Dad, always to the rescue, came down and got rid of that mouse for me. It was most victorious. Then today at work, I learned that Troop had caught one and killed it. Huzzah for Troop! And then we found one in a mouse trap we had set this afternoon. So, we're getting them, slowly, and hopefully we'll get them all soon. It's apparently useless to get an exterminator, we were told, unless our neighbors also get exterminated, because then the mice just leave when they spray, and come back when they leave. Gah! And I know some people say to get a cat to take care of them, but I hate cats. I can't stand being around them, I feel their devilish little eyes on me all the time. They're unnatural, thats all I'll say about them.
As I sat down to ponder what to write today, (and by that, I mean, as I sat at my computer to play a game I've recently re-found in my files) I saw another tiny mouse run out of my laundry room behind my bookshelf, hang out for a minute, while I stood on my table, all casual-like, it ran back into the laundry room. So, of course I set a trap and holy crap one just ran from underneath the table I am sitting on into that room again. Where are these things coming from? And how are they sneaking around everywhere? I am about going out of my mind! Maybe its time I did invest in a cat- I gotta get rid of these things somehow! Any tips on how to get rid of these things? Having problems yourself? Please please share. I'm already sissy enough without having to think about there being mice all over the place.


Chelle! said...

Oh, I can not stand mice!! They freak me out!!! I have no advice for you other than, you should move!! Let the mice take over your house and you move to a different one. By the time they find you, they would be out of your current home and then you can move back in. I know it sounds crazy, but what other advice has anyone given you.

PJ said...

They teach you when you are getting your food handler's permit that if a whole is the size of a dime, a mouse can fit through it. Also, if you can fit a pencil underneath something (doorway, piece of furniture, etc.) a mouse can go underneath it.

Time to get a cat. They are great to have a kittens. Maybe it will be like my old cat Bunny. She used to lay on my neck while I was sleeping. Name it something awesome like Cheshire.

Maleen said...

I feel your pain. We caught twelve mice (live) one year in WA. I thought it was a grand adventure. We kept them all in a cage and released them into a field that summer. I wouldn't feel so great about it now. Um...advice...uh...keep setting traps.

Unknown said...

It seems that person or persons unknown did unknowingly bait the traps in a manner that allowed the little rodentia to clean out the bait without anything happening. That may be a good thing. Now they see the traps as feeding grounds. The slightest touch of the bait now will result in unhealthy immediate actions.