Sunday, March 30, 2008

Tagged? Am I It?

I was tagged by Chelle, which I assume means I have to fill this out? I've never been told of this phenomenon!

You're feeling: weird-I took some Loratab today, and I've never really had those. I'm tired by them, but a little hyper at the same time. Needless to say, I'm forgetting about my pain!

To your left: The couch

On your mind: Absolutely nothing! (Maybe the answers to these)

Last meal included: Fruit and nut pancakes from Village Inn. Delicioso!

You sometimes find it hard to: Be wrong

The weather: cold-and what the heck is with all this dang snow?!

Something you have a collection of: Movies, movies, and more movies

A smell that cheers you up: Laundry soap

A smell that can ruin your mood: popcorn burning-makes me hate whoever made it

How long since you last shaved: This morning- it was church today!

Yesterday, The current state of your hair: Down, kinda curled at the bottom? The usual.

The largest item on your desk/workspace (not computer): currently? Because nothing if so.

Your skill with chopsticks: Not too shabby-my brother taught me when he got back from the mission.

Which section you head for first in a bookstore: depends on what I'm there to get.

Something your craving: Like right now? Uh...shoot, I can't think of anything!

Your general thoughts on the presidential race: Man, our country is in trouble no matter what happens.

How many times you've been hospitalized this year: None ever in my whole life.

Favorite place to go for a quiet moment: I don't ever need a quiet moment!

You've always secretly thought you'd be a good: A soccer player

Something that freaks you out a little: Mice

Something you've eaten too much of lately: Chocolate

You have never: Run in a race (6 days...)

You never want to: Get my head chopped off.

My answers were pretty lame, but I don't really care. At least I filled this out, yo.

I'm tagging PJ-Now you're it!


Chelle! said...

I had never been tagged before, so, thanks for filling out your tag. It sounds like you are still not doing too hot. I hope things start to heal up!!

Ashley said...

I think your a little trippy on loratab. Just kidding, your trippy all the time. Just be careful on that stuff. I once joined the BMG music club and ordered Carrie Underwood's CD and I have no idea how it happened. I remember nothing!!

PJ said...

Loratab made me sleepy. I lost a day on that stuff. It's not fun.