Wednesday, October 30, 2013

New Polish, New Polish

I went and got a pedicure the other night – something I haven’t done since before I went to Germany. Everyone remembers my toes trauma in Germany, how the guys suitcase fell on my foot, and broke the toenail, so I was just waiting for that to grow out before I went back. I tried the same place as last time, hoping to get a new person, and thinking it was maybe just that one guy that I don’t like. Unfortunately, I got the same guy. It’s not a big deal or anything, but I really wanted to try someone new there. So I sit down, and he gets started, and again, he’s hurting me. Which I keep telling him, while pulling my foot away, and he just keeps saying reasons for why, there’s too much dead skin, blah blah but it was still hurting. And then I told him that I thought he cut them too short, and he argued with me! He tried to tell me that they weren’t, like I was in the wrong here. So he does his thing, and then when he’s painting the color on, I realize I chose the exact same color as last time. Holy cow how dumb am I that I didn’t realize I had chosen the same color?! In my defense, it had been over a month, so of course, I wasn’t really thinking, but I just wish I had taken a second to just LOOK at my toes to see what color they were. So now, I just have nails that look the exact same, but hopefully, when I go in again, I’ll choose a good color, and find a better place. Any suggestions, anyone?


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