Sunday, October 6, 2013

Conference Weekend

This weekend was General Conference. Since I think everyone who reads this already knows this and knows me (because I’m not deluding myself into thinking that strangers read this, but if there are any that do, hello! Welcome!) Then you know what it’s about – but in case one doesn’t, General Conference for the LDS faith is a bi-annual meeting for all members to listen to our prophet and apostles speak to us, to get new instruction, or to learn new things. As a kid, I loved conference weekend because it meant no church, but I hated conference weekend, because I thought it was just so boring. But now as an adult, I get more out of it, so I enjoy watching it now. This weekend was no exception – there were some really good talks and messages I heard.

Something that bugs me about this weekend, and I don’t know if everyone experiences it, but I have a few family members and friends, that aren’t practicing Mormons anymore, and that’s fine, I literally don’t care what you do with your life regarding religion (or anything else, really) but the thing that I care about is that they will watch snippets or hear about snippets and then proceed to spend the weekend bashing it via the social network. I don’t understand why they feel the need to take something that’s meant to help us, and make it about an issue, or turn it around into something ugly. The more I read that happen this weekend, the angrier I got at these individuals.

I’ve found recently that when people leave the LDS church, there are a few different ways of them doing so. There are the fade-away’s, the ones who just sort of go, and there’s not a fuss, and they leave us alone, and we leave them alone, and that’s that. And then there’re the types that when they leave, they feel that they need to denounce every single thing that the church has ever said or done, and they won’t rest until every single person they know feels the same way about everything. I just don’t understand, why can’t we all just live and let live, and let each other feel whatever way we want about religion? I mean, isn’t that what America was founded on, anyway? Freedom of Religion? Let’s keep this tradition going that our forefathers built this country on. So if anyone needs me, I’ll be over here, believing what I want to believe, and I’ll let y’all keep on believing what you want to believe, and we don’t have to worry about each other at all.

1 comment:

Maleen said...

Amen sista!

p.s. I am catching up on all your blogging glory. Not sure where I have been in a while. I will not be commenting so much, since I don't think you want to be bombarded by 25 comments (yes, I am really far behind) but just know that I have enjoyed catching up. :)