Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Creatin’ Stuff

Last night, we had Stamp and Chat, and it was a small group, only three of us, but it was still a blast. The cards were fantastic as well, of course.


It was a pretty short night, in part because it was only the 3 of us, and in part because we were really hurrying to get done, as Chelle was sick, and we didn’t want to infringe on her longer than necessary. I got my order from the last Stamp and Chat night, and luckily, had a new card box in there to make, and I made that too, because I didn’t have anything else to do. I needed a new ‘thank you’ card box, and here it is:


Now, I forgot to get new paper, so I used the paper that I had left over from when I made my last ‘thank you’ box, so now I have two basically identical looking boxes. Here they are, side by side:



But I’m ok with it. I’ll know what goes in these boxes, and now I won’t have phantom cards just floating around.

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