Monday, October 28, 2013

Miscellaneous Monday

As I was browsing the local Target this weekend, I saw these Oreos and immediately had to buy them. And I’m not sorry, they’re delicious.


Everyone, go get these. They’re awesome.

Yesterday, I took dinner to someone in my ward for the first time. I visit teach her, and she had a baby like, 4 days ago, and as her visiting teacher, I was assigned to bring her dinner last night. I never sign up for these things. Not that I don’t want to help people, but I get such anxiety even planning these things, that to save my health and sanity, I just decline. So I planned on a meal, and had Husband help me cook it all, and as soon as I delivered it and was done, a huge weight lifted off me, because it was finished, and I didn’t have to worry about it anymore.

This last Friday night, after dinner, Husband and I were walking around the Riverwoods, walking through all the stores, and I decided to hop into the Victoria’s Secret, just for funsies. As I was looking through things, I saw that they have new sports bras, and since mine have been discontinued lately (I can’t find them at the store, and I’m having no luck online) I tried one on, to see how it felt. Well, it was interesting, it was a completely different experience than I thought would happen with a sports bra, but I was trying it on and looking at it, and I called Husband over to ask an opinion on something, and I guess the sales girl thought this was an invitation for her to come in too, so she came in. And naturally, I did what anyone does when they’re wearing only a bra and pants, with no shirt on, I sucked in the gut and sucked it in hard. I did this until she left, and I don’t know why I did this. It’s not that I care what she thinks of me, but I panicked, and apparently, that was my first instinct. Finally, when she left, I could let it all go and breathe normally. PS I did decide to buy the bra, to see how well it works.

1 comment:

Maleen said...

Hahahahahahahaha. That is so funny. Who doesn't suck their guy in, really?