Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Day Off in the Middle of the Week

I suppose today isn’t the middle of the week, its only Tuesday, but I’m sticking with it. Originally, I had taken off today to finally go to Lagoon for Husband’s birthday. His birthday was indeed 2 months ago, and we’re only now getting to it. Yesterday, near the end of the day, Husband texted me to ask if we were still going. I said yes, and he asked if the place was even open. Of course it was! … I thought, until I checked and found out that yup, they do close during the week after Labor Day, and are only open on the weekend now. Jeepers! We decided to still take the day off, we could find stuff to do.

Cut to today, and we didn’t ever think of what to do. Last night, we didn’t really think, and then this morning, no one could really decide, so we just sort of did…nothing. I set my alarm this morning for 6:30. There was no real reason to wake up that early, but I thought it was better that I didn’t sleep in too much, lest I was unable to sleep tonight. The alarm went off and I thought, meh, I don’t think I’ll get up, so I went back to sleep. When I woke up for reals, I went on a run, and then got ready for the day, and we finally went to breakfast at about 11. To the Village Inn. FANCY! Whatever, it was delicious, and I got a couple of slices of pie to go for later, so I’m happy. Then, we shopped around Barnes&Noble for a while, looking for any book that we wanted to get. I didn’t find anything I wanted! GAH! I just have so many unread books that I own right now, so it seems crazy to buy another that I won’t read yet also. Then, a trip to Walmart to pick up some supplies for dinner (namely, small tortilla shells)

We came home to rest up, (Husband has BAD allergies right now, thank goodness I don’t) and I watched a little TV while he did so. Then, we were finally going to go on a bike ride. We loaded up the bikes, drove down to the mouth of Provo Canyon, then proceeded to unload the bikes. And after we got mine off, we saw that Husband’s bike (even though it had been given a tune up 1 week ago) was broken. The shocks of the bike had completely come off, and the tire/’fork” part of the bike was essentially holding on by just one cable- the brake. So we loaded them back up again, and drove to the local bike shop, so that they could fix it. Dejected, we went home again.

After we got home, it was pretty near dinner time, so we got that started. I made Chili Dog Casserole. And if you want to know how to make it, I direct you to Chelle’s blog here, she has really good direction. I will leave you with a picture of mine after I pulled it out of the oven:

Yum!! This was seriously awesome. After dinner was eaten and settled, I decided it was time to paint my nails. It’s only been a week or so since I last did my toes, but they chipped, so I decided to do them again. Over the weekend, I bought a new paint color – Slick Slate! Here’s what they looked like when I was done:


I thought they looked pretty snazzy, I was pleased. The white stripes aren’t the same on both nails, and that bugs me, but not enough to start again. As those were drying, I got going on another quick project, making some cookies. A long time ago, I wrote about making 4 ingredient crinkle cookies, and today, I wanted to make them a little differently. I used a red velvet cake mix this time, and boy, these were a beast to make. The dough was stickier, so the cookies were harder to make, but I finally got them all on the sheet to put into the oven:

I thought they looked dang good, and was excited to pull them out! When I did, this is what I found:

Disappointing! So I guess, lesson learned, you can make chocolate cake ones, but not red velvet ones. I’m sure they still taste fine, but I am disappointed at how they look.

And that’s it! My day. Yes, it was pretty boring for a day off, but at least, near the end, I got some stuff done. And it was nice, to not have a stressful day, to just do whatever I wanted.


Maleen said...

Man I could use a day off in the middle of the week. All this doing nothing, and baking sounds fantastic.

Would you like to borrow five children??

Chelle! said...

I am glad that you were able to take a day off. I can't believe how much baking you did. It is awesome!!!