Sunday, September 2, 2012

Card Time, Once Again

It’s that time again – card makin’ time. I have card club this Saturday, and did I actually do this in time, or did I procrastinate, and leave it until the last week? The answer is, of course, I procrastinated! For the last 2 card clubs, I’ve had a mouth surgery the week before the meeting, and ample time off of work to do them. So it’s been nice, I’ve enjoyed that luxury. So this time, I’ve just had my regular time, and I’ve planned the cards, for weeks now, without actually doing the cards. This last week, I realized that I have zero time left, so I need to hurry up and do them. So after making a card each of the ones I’ll be making, I sat down today to finally get them done.
After I got home from church, I immediately sat down and got to work. I worked pretty straight through the day, with a 2 hour break for a family dinner. Then I came home, and worked through the rest of the evening, and finished them all! Huzzah! So now, for your viewing pleasure, my cards:
And I did a little fan of them both, so that you could see all of them at once, you’re welcome.
So now, I’m set. I have card club in less than a week, and my cards are ready, so I’m good to exchange. Hopefully next time, I’ll learn my lesson and make the cards at least a week in advance.

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