Friday, September 7, 2012

Foto Friday

This morning, I found a new addition to the McSnailington clan. Ok, let’s be honest, he could be of another one altogether, but I’ll call it at this one. I was on my way into work this morning, and I happened to glance down, and I saw him. He is tiny! You can’t really tell in the picture, I maybe should have put something next to him, so that you could see how small he is comparatively, but he is so tiny, I was surprised I saw him at all. But here he is:


Cute! I didn’t touch him or try to kill him or anything, and I’ll assume he got to his destination safely. It was a nice treat to start my day off with that tiny guy.

1 comment:

Chelle! said...

I love your snail stories (facination). They make smile.