Sunday, September 9, 2012

New Addition

Recently, we’ve had a new addition to the family. Not mine and Husband’s, specifically, I mean my extended whole family. Recently, my brother (the one who lives by me, that I’ve spoken of before) adopted a baby – a small boy that they named Axel. Yes, you’ve read that right, they named him Axel. A few days after he was born, I went to their house, to see him, and this is who I saw:


Cute! I of course, picked him up and held him:


And he was fun. Very very small, and I enjoyed hanging out with my two nephews for a bit:


So fun. I do enjoy getting a new family member, because then that’s a new chance I have to convince a child to like me best.


Maleen said...

Who wouldn't like you best?

And check out all that hair. Cute baby.

Chelle! said...

Aw...Axel is adorable! I can't believe how much hair he has. Isn't it fun to be an amazing aunt?!