Monday, September 3, 2012

How I Spent My Labor Day

Happy Labor Day, everyone! I hope everyone had a great holiday. Mine was pretty good, I won’t lie. I’ll do a small recap here, because of the awesome events. I started the day with a pretty good run up and then back down Provo canyon. After the run (in which PJ joined me) we made some good food, waffles with strawberries and whipped cream, and some delicious bacon, that I made in the oven. I’d never done that before and while it was good, if I do it again, I’ll keep it in the oven for a shorter amount of time. When I pulled the bacon out, it seemed all sorts of burned, but after I let it sit on some paper towels for a while, it calmed down enough to see it wasn’t burned, and actually pretty delicious. I’d make it that way again and again! (Because I hate making bacon, I hate the popping burns I get)

Then later in the afternoon, PJ and I went and got some haircuts. I’ve been putting off getting a trim for a really long time, because I just want to have my hair long. But I’ve finally decided, it was time to go. I took off a good 4 inches – 3 ½ to cut my hair up to my layers, and then an extra inch so that the layer I was meeting up to had the dead hair cut off as well. It’s not a huge difference, you can’t really tell the hair being cut, but I can tell, the hair is just different. It’s very healthy now, and that’s freaking awesome. So I took a pic of it yesterday, to compare with a pic that I had taken of the back of my head a few weeks ago, so that you can see what the difference is.


See, looks pretty good! I was glad I got rid of that dead weight at the bottom, and hopefully it’ll grow back fast.

After a movie (Bourne Legacy, in case you’re wondering) I had to make a treat for scouts. It’s our pack meeting tomorrow and we’re doing the Blue and Gold banquet, and the Webelos are in charge of the dessert. I’m not entirely sure how many people will be coming, but we seemed to have a lot of people at the last one of these, so I knew to make a bunch of something. I chose to make the Chocolate Treasures that I made last year, since they make a bunch, they’re small for kids, and it’s easy. So, PJ helped me make a double recipe, which ended up making 96 mini brownies.


See how many that is? Sheesh. Once I got them all baked and out of the oven, we needed to kill a little time while they cooled so that we could frost them. So, PJ and I spent some time trying to get our phones to play the same song at the same time. We tried many many songs, and I think we only got them to play at the same for one song. There were many times where one of the phones was just like, a second off of each other, and we couldn’t get them to sync up. But finally, after all the phone shenanigans, frosting was made and applied to all the brownies.


Ta-daaaaa! And then I shoved them all into 2 containers, and they’re ready for many hungry scouts and their families. I think everything worked out pretty well, and I got everything done on my list that I needed to get done!


Maleen said...

Hair looks good. I should probably get a trim.

And that is a LOT of brownies.

Chelle! said...

Oh my goodness...these little bits of heaven are so delicious. I think that I could have eaten a dozen or so of them.