Saturday, April 19, 2014

SLC Half Marathon 2014

Today was the SLC half marathon. I have done basically no preparing for this. I ran 8 miles a couple of weeks ago, and that’s about it. But I woke up and was prepared for it. We got to the race with maybe 6 minutes to go. Trax took FOREVER.


It wasn’t raining this year, so already, things are improving after last year’s debacle. The weather was nice, and I enjoyed the race, for the most part. When we got to mile 8, PJ hit a wall, and couldn’t run anymore. We kept slowing down and down and down until I could no longer stand it, and I had to leave her behind and run. I sped up, and finished the race, and was so tired. When I got to mile 12, I kept chanting, (Out loud, of course) “1 mile left. 1 mile left.” and then, when I got near the end, I just kept saying “I can see it, I can see it” when I could see the finish line. I finished, and got my sweet medal, and then drank a half a bottle of water in one gulp. I was so tired and grimy, and I was glad the race was over. We were pretty smiley at the end though.


This is after we cooled down and stretched, and didn’t feel like dying anymore.

1 comment:

Chelle! said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so glad you finished your race and nothing too terrible happened. :)