Monday, April 14, 2014

Miscellaneous Monday

On Saturday night, we switched the turning of our ceiling fans. During the winter, we reverse the turn so that instead of making it cooler in here, it makes it warmer (I don’t get it, but I’m told that’s how it works). So, we switched them, and as soon as they started spinning the other way, SO MUCH DUST came flying down at us! We had to vacuum it all up, and I was dying laughing. I had no idea that could happen!

Today, I took Cookie to my parent’s house, to look around. We’ll be going out of town next month, so we’ll have my parents look after her. So, in she went, and took a look at my parents dogs, and immediately didn’t care for any of that. The puppy is too young and wants to play, and Cookie doesn’t like that. The other dog is too big and Cookie gets stepped on, and she doesn’t like that. She acts like a princess, which just makes me laugh. I’ll have her over there a few times to acclimate, and then, she’ll be there for a long time, alone, with the other dogs. I can’t wait to see what she does.

That magical time of year is upon us. The weather is warming, the bees are buzzing, and my TV shows are airing their finales. I’m jazzed this year, because I am so far behind on everything. Since we went on vacation, I’ve had 3 of every show I watch on the DVR. I’m in no rush to see them, for the most part, except for my shows! I am 2 weeks behind on Cougar Town, and I want to watch them all right now! But I watch them in order of what they record, or else I’d pick favorites and let everything pile up. I can’t wait until I’m all caught up. I’m guessing…July.

1 comment:

Chelle! said...

I love your miscellaneous Monday posts. They make me smile because everything is so random!!!