Monday, December 23, 2013

Miscellaneous Monday

I am in full panic mode. Christmas is in 2 days, and I have nothing done. Ok, that’s an exaggeration, I have some things done, but not nearly what I need to. There’s a Christmas gift I still need to finish, and while I am close to it, I’m not nearly close enough. I need to wrap every single present that I’ve bought still. I have to get everything tonight, since there probably isn’t going to be time tomorrow. I am panicking big time.

Another thing to add to my panic is that my car wouldn’t start this morning. And then Husband wouldn’t answer his cell phone when I called him (he had left about 2 minutes before this happened). 3 times. So then, I did what anyone would do, and wake up their pregnant sister that’s staying with them and ask her for a ride. Which I did. I didn’t know what else to do! Luckily my sister is a champ, and did so, but I felt bad. Hopefully we can figure out what’s going on with it tonight.

My sister and her husband made us Thai food tonight, from scratch. Usually I don’t like Thai food, at least, I haven’t when I’ve gone to a restaurant, so I only took a little bit, but then it was actually pretty good. I have such a sissiness when it comes to other cultures, I get nervous trying their food, but this makes me think that maybe I should be more open, and try other things more often. I probably won’t, but I have every intention right now!

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