Saturday, December 21, 2013

Couch Shenanigans

Recently, we bought a new couch at RC Willey. We were told it would be delivered yesterday, and it was, but unfortunately, the people at RC Willey sure didn’t tell us the truth. When I was buying the couch, I made sure to ask if they would move the previous couches out of the room, and the salesperson said they would. So when they came to deliver, they refused to move the old couches, said there was no way they would do it. So in turn, they decided against delivering the entire couch to the right room, because there was no room for the couches with the old ones up there. Instead, they left a giant piece in the front room, because that makes sense. We tried to call to complain, but our complaints fell on deaf ears. Today, we finally got a ragtag group of people together, and tried to get the couch upstairs. After many attempts, and not having any luck, we decided to try another approach. As we were trying this way, the couch hit into a low hanging light, and busted the light. It didn’t even hit it very hard, but it just shattered on the people down there. This is what it looked like after it broke:


It cut PJ’s nose, and the back of Husband’s hand. We had to stop to clean up the glass and blood, but then we FINALLY got the couch upstairs. After getting it up there, we learned the couch (it’s a sectional) is just a few inches too big for the room. At this point, my brain just broke, it couldn’t handle it anymore. We gave up for the night, and decided to tackle it in the morning.

1 comment:

Maleen said...

HAte it when companies lie to you so that you will buy something or do something they want. Grrr. THey will get theirs in the end.