Saturday, December 28, 2013

Juicin’ It

For Christmas, we were gifted a juicer. I’ve never used one before, it’s never really occurred to me to ever have one. Nothing against a juicer, or even juice, but it just seems like so much work, to make your own juice. When I got home from work Thursday, Husband had made a batch of juice. It was pretty good. Then Friday morning, he made some more. Friday evening, another batch. This morning, another. Basically. we’re going through fruits and vegetables like crazy, and we’re basically running the dishwasher non-stop, because it uses so many dishes to make some juice.

I do like the juice though, and I’m learning what makes a good juice. I don’t know why he did this, but Husband juiced a banana. That doesn’t juice well, in case anyone wonders. Apples juice well, of course, but juicing a pineapple, while delicious, makes the pulpiest juice ever. Mangos are good at making it thick, and oranges you have to be careful pulp-wise. Husband went on a fruit spree this morning, and bought a lot of fruit, so I’ll keep you all updated on what makes a good juice. And for right now, I’m probably so healthy, getting all of my fruits and some veggies. Happy drinking!

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