Monday, September 30, 2013

Miscellaneous Monday

Yesterday, we were making dinner, and Husband threw an oven mitt at me. I was across the room, so it came nowhere near me, and it landed on the ground near my feet. We had my brother and sister-in-law over, and their dog came as well, so when it landed, we told the dog, Lincoln, to pick up the mitt and bring it back over to him. We stopped paying attention to the dogs, until we were trying to get something out of the oven, and started looking for the oven mitt. We literally looked for about an hour, and finally, after searching every inch of the house, and the outdoors, gave up, and decided it wasn’t worth it. This morning, I was eating a banana, and I had a though to look in this cupboard, and lo and behold, there was the oven mitt. When I asked Husband if he had put it in there, he’s like, oh I must have. So we all wasted all that time, because he couldn’t remember that he put the oven mitt in the wrong place.

Tonight, when I got home from work, I decided to have an epic cleaning day, and clean and mop the kitchen, vacuum the whole house, and clean every bathroom. I decided, to get this done, I should not wear my normal clothes, but things that I didn’t care if they got dirty. So I put on some shorter shorts than I would wear normally, and some long socks (so that my feet wouldn’t be dirty on the floors) and got to work. After I finished cleaning and mopping the kitchen, I made my way upstairs, and the doorbell rang. Wouldn’t you know, it was one of my scouts, and I was kind of embarrassed to have him see me in my shorties. Then I finished cleaning, and took the garbage cans to the curb. Normally, my street is a ghost town, but as I was doing this, I of course saw someone on the scout committee and her husband. She looked me up and down about 6 times, but who could blame her? I looked weird. Then we went back inside, and about 2 minutes later, the doorbell rang again, this time with a member of the bishopric at the door. Finally, about a half hour later, as I just finished vacuuming, a knock at the door again, and it was another scout. This has to be the only night in the history of my house that I’ve had this many people at my house, and all when I was wearing the shortest shorts ever.

I am yet again, having a tooth replaced. There’s nothing wrong with the current one, but since the teeth surrounding it are all crowns, I decided to have this one replaced so that they’re all the same colors and look alike. So last week, I went in and had the procedure started of getting it replaced, so they ground the tooth down, fitted me for a temporary, and now I need to wait for the permanent. To get it colored the same, I had to go have my teeth looked at for a new shade at the lab. That’s a humiliating experience. You just stand there while two guys compare shades of white to your teeth, and then start taking pictures of your mouth. I’m glad this is most likely the last time I’ll have this done, because I don’t want to do that again.

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