Monday, September 16, 2013

Miscellaneous Monday

When I got home from the airport Friday night, I was exhausted. We’d been awake for over 24 hours, and I was sick of traveling, and just wanted to be home. I took one step into the house, and HOLY COW something smelled like it had died. I followed the source of the source, and found that nobody had taken the garbage out before we left, so it just took the week and smelled the house completely up. We threw open the windows, lit a bunch of candles, and several hours later, the house finally started to smell normal. The next morning, it was still a little bad, but by the afternoon, it was completely gone. Lesson: empty the garbage before you leave for an extended period.

I was brushing my hair yesterday when I got out of the shower, I had washed it, so it was soaking wet. After a few minutes of trying to guide the brush through my hair, it broke. In half.


I couldn’t believe it; I’ve never had this happen to me before. I have to go get a new one now. Wish me luck in finding a good one.

Yesterday, Chelle and I visited a new church. Well, new to us. We have a coworker that is an assistant/associate pastor in a Christian church here, and he invited us to come to his church, and see his daughter sing in the worship band. It’s the Calvary Mountain View church.

IMG_6173It was actually pretty cool; it was a completely different experience than I’ve ever had at church here. Where in the LDS churches we’re quiet, and have speakers, their band plays for a while, singing worship songs, then their pastor gets up, and teaches from the bible, interpreting it for them, and speaking, telling stories, etc., then the band plays again, and we go home. It’s only 1 ½ hours of church compared to my 3, so that was nice, but it was just so odd. I’m glad we went, though, I like knowing how other religions compare. I think I’ll try hitting up all the different religions in the area, see what kinds of things I’m missing.

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