Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Cookie was looking so shady lately. Her hair was getting so long that she started to look like a small homeless dog that we had just picked up off the street, so I decided it was time to give her a haircut. I booked her an appointment at the grooming place, and dropped her off the following morning. She was so psyched to have a car ride, and then we got about 5 feet to the door of the place, and she figured out where we were going, and she was not happy. She was fighting me the whole time, trying to get me to leave. After I signed her in, they had me take her back to the kennel, which I’ve never done before. When I picked her up and put her in it, they told me to take her leash and her collar, and that they’d be giving her a new collar that I could keep, and I thought that was cool. So I told her goodbye, and picked her up after work.

When I went to get her, she was SUPER JAZZED to see me, and almost jumped out of the kennel, a few feet off the ground. I got her, but there was actually no collar. They didn’t give her a collar, they straight up lied to me! I got her and out we walked, and I put her in the car and snapped a pic.


Doesn’t she look straight-up majestic? I like her new haircut, and now that I look at her, a little later, I realize, her head looks too small for her body. They asked me, when I dropped her off, if I wanted her to have a cut like a yorkie or a cut like a schnauzer, and I said I didn’t know, but just cut it short all over, and especially get her chin hairs. Now, that’s what they’ve done, and she sort of looks rat-like. So cute though. And she looks tinier than ever, if that’s possible.

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