Friday, September 6, 2013

Foto Friday

I can’t two seconds of peace from Cookie sometimes.

There are times when I can’t find her in the house, and that worries me, because her first instinct when left alone is to empty garbage cans to get any goodies inside, so usually, I like to at least know where she is, and then there are times when I need a bleeding moment of peace, and she sticks to my side like glue.


I’m trying to read here, and she won’t get off my lap. She seemed angry that I was resting the Kindle on her, but not enough to move. So I decide to lay on my side and play Candy Crush, and she moved as well, how thoughtful.


Yes, that’s her, in the tiny space between the back of my head and the couch. What a weirdo this dog is sometimes.

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