Monday, August 13, 2012

Miscellaneous Monday

When I came home from work on Friday, the sprinkler was on in the backyard. This isn’t that crazy, but when I looked at the surrounding yard…cement…etc around the backyard, I realized, holy cow that place looks soaked. And then I remembered that Husband had been turning on the water in the backyard as I was leaving for work. I called him right then to ask if the water had been on all day, and – of course – it had! So basically, we watered the backyard of our house for about 9 hours. That grass better be emerald green soon, and I really can’t wait to see my water bill for this month.

The Olympics, I’m sorry to say, are over. I watched a lot more than I have before, and was thrilled by it all. I watched a lot of track and field, because I found it so amazing. Now being super into running and the like, I know who most of the runners are; I know the lengths of races now, their sacrifices, etc. So watching those people sprint their hearts out was awesome. Over the course of the Olympics, I also watched volleyball, water polo, a lot of soccer (the women’s gold medal match was so amazing!), gymnastics, diving, BMX racing, mountain bike racing, pole vault, and high jump. There was so much to watch, and it was all so great. Even sports I don’t even care about usually I was into. Now that it’s over, I can’t wait for the Winter Olympics in 2 years, and am looking forward to the next batch of Summer Olympics!

Last summer, Husband and I went to Boise, to visit his friends. When we were there, we came across a farmers market that had the most delicious peach pie ever. So last weekend, Husband went to Boise again, and I told him that if he didn’t bring me this same pie again, I he’d be dead to me. So luckily, he brought me the pie! Yay! So this week, I decided to dig in, and this is how I started to eat it, with a fork:

Is there anything wrong with this? No, not to me. But Husband made fun of me for eating it this way like an animal (hey, I used a fork though) so then I cut it into slices and ate it like a civilized person. It didn’t taste as good as when I ate it with a straight fork, but it was still pretty delicious. I only have 1 slice left now. I don’t even want to eat it, because I don’t want my pie to be gone. I will mourn its loss.


Maleen said...

Totally loved the Olympics as well. We really got into them and watched them almost every day with the kids.

Um...and if you want to bring me one of those peach pies next time, I would totally pay you.

Chelle! said...

I am sad the Olympics are over. I loved every minute that I watched. Anyway, for some reason, I started laughing during your pie story...I am not sure but thanks for making me laugh.