Saturday, April 28, 2012

I've been working on IKEA...all the live long day...

I am making all sorts of changes to my house right now. I have a shindig on Wednesday (details to come!) so this is the perfect excuse for me to get things finished. Husband spent all day painting the last tiny bit of hallway/ceiling, and I decided to put together all the IKEA furniture I bought. I started the day bright and early with making myself this bookshelf:

Nice, eh? When we first moved in, I brought a billion books, games, DVD’s, etc, and Husband brought…well, himself. And some clothes. Finally a couple of weeks ago, out came all his stuff. Apparently, it was all hiding at a friend’s house, and he finally brought it. It required us to get a new bookshelf for all his books, but at least now I don’t just think he’s a drifter, going to kill me after we’ve been together for a while. So after putting together the bookshelf, I populated it with our books. You can tell the difference between mine and his books: my books are awesome and fun, great to read and his are all…educational? That’s ok, I’ll stick with my own stuff.
After the shelf cleaning and putting away of things, we got to work on the new chairs I bought. My house has only 6 places to sit in the front room, and (fingers crossed!) more people than that will show up. So I bought some cheapie chairs from IKEA, a little assembly required. They didn’t take that long to put up. Here’s some in the process:

And here it is, all done.

I chose red and black chairs, to match the colors of the kitchen. Like that matters in a chair. But with these chairs, the couches, and some barstools from the kitchen, I feel confident that I can provide seating for those that come to party.

At the end of the day, I was exhausted. And for some reason, my knees got all tore up during the day of putting things together.

Look how sad they look, all red and sore. They’re still a little sore today. Luckily, I rarely have to get on my knees during working hours, so I think they’re healing.

And there it is. My day of assembling, cleaning, and organizing. I feel pretty good about all that I accomplished, but boy am I glad it's over!

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