Saturday, April 21, 2012

A Carnival, a Carnival

I've never been one to go to ward events. Of course, I've only been in a singles ward for things, but still. I never went to any ward activities, and while I did go to FHE's, it was only when the activity was a fun one that I went, never for the service projects or boring-sounding ones. I know that's not what you're supposed to do, but I'm just not that into doing the boring stuff. But with the move into this house a half a year ago, Husband and I decided that we'd be going to ward activities, and trying to be as active as we could. Now, this was a valiant effort. We went to the ward Christmas party, but we only stayed long enough to bring our assigned food and eat dinner. And then there have been a few party-type events since then that we've had plans during, and couldn't make it. Today, there was such an event, and finally, we made it!
Husband was originally supposed to go out of town this weekend. But then he woke up not feeling well, so he didn't actually go. So I dragged him to go to our wards event - the YW Camp Fundraiser Carnival. I know, that's just what you should do when someone isn't feeling well, right, drag them to such an event? But he wasn't like, sick, he just had some odd pains. (not his appendix, I asked. That's the only pain I know of in a specific area) So we go to the carnival, and I feel a little out of place, because we don't have any kids, which is mostly what the carnival was aimed at - bringing your kids to have a good time. Husband was mad, he really didn't want to be there, but I didn't want to go alone, because that just seemed crazy. So we just kinda...hung out for a bit...walking around...looking at stuff. We shared a slice of pie, bought tickets, and surveyed the land. As we walked by a game, a fellow ward member started chatting with us, and asked if we wanted to play the game. Originally we resisted, but then we got a little change of heart, and we played. The game was Ping Pong Relay (I think, I don't remember a name) and it went as such: You and a challenger (so, me and Husband) each get a ping pong ball. Starting at a line, you use your breath to blow the ball across the finish line, and hopefully stay in your lane. Of course, the game is meant for little breaths and little people. We finished the game quickly, with bruised knees, and a lot of laughs. My ball went out of bounds once, but I was told I could quickly guide it back in. So when I tried to gently put it back into play, it accidentally crossed double lines of play and knocked out Husband's ball. So I win! And not by cheating, despite what you might hear.
After the Relay, we made our way through the other games. We did ring toss, beanbag toss, Bingo, horseshoe toss, a water shooting game, and the balloon animals. Husband got a sword, and I got a purple elephant, since that's what color elephants are. That's what I tried to convince the kid standing in line behind me, but I don't think he believed it. Here is the elephant:
Snazzy, eh? I appreciated the work put into him. Then we hit up other booths, the photo booth (which, the pictures of that will be to die for, I can just feel it. I'll put them on here once we get them from the photographer) and we also watched a Candy Cannon, which is exactly what it sounds like. Its kind of like an exploding pinata that shoots a far distance. Glorious. I just realized I should have got a picture of that, but oh well. In case you're wondering, yes, we were the only adults playing these games. Oh well.
After the Candy Cannon, there was about 20 minutes left of the carnival. Originally, we had intended to stay 30 minutes, but I think we were there for about 90...whoops!
As things were winding down, we started a children-wide balloon-sword fight in the middle of the gym/carnival. And yes, we were the only adults in this fight. As I didn't have a balloon sword, I was mostly just standing there, clutching my elephant while eating my ice cream cone. My nephew, Zeke, came up and asked for my elephant. I was suspicious, and I said I didn't want him to hurt him. He assured me he wouldn't, so I handed it over. HE DISMANTLED IT! What a tiny jerk! So I thanked the carnival gods that there was still 10 minutes left, bought another ticket, and hopped in line at the balloon stand. I got another elephant balloon, but this time, orange.
Looking good, eh? We then took our leave, and came home. We emptied our pockets of all of our stuff we won, which was mostly Frooties and rings that didn't even go halfway down our pinkies. I should have taken a picture, I'm just realizing, but oh well again. So, there it is. Our ward carnival experience, which was a lot of fun. Husband even had a good time, despite his reluctance to come along. I don't really mind that we were the only adults playing and having a great time, but I wonder what the other adults thought, if it made them want to join in the fun. Maybe next time, they will!

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