Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Miscellaneous Monday (on a Wednesday)

Ok so here we start. Yesterday, my sister texted me to let me know that Darth, all of the 2 years old that he is, has figured out Halloween. He knew in advance that his mom would be in charge of the candy, and took the initiative and hid his candy all around the house. What a freaking champion, I am so proud of him. I can't wait to see him for Christmas.

This week I have done so many outdoor activities. By this, I mean, yesterday, the day after Halloween, I took the initiative and took down the Halloween decorations. It took me only about a half hour to get everything down, and I was so proud of myself. I put up my lone Thanksgiving block decorations, and mostly, I am just excited to have the holidays here. It's time! We made it!

Then, today, my other outdoor activity was weeding. Our backyard garden has become OVERRUN with weeds. I kept asking Husband to do it. Literally, have been asking him since like, July. After getting the brush off for this many months, finally I just decided to take care of it, since it needs to get done before the cold weather and snow falls. Luckily it only took about 45 minutes, but nice for all it to be done. It looks so good back there I just want to take a picture and show the world! But unless they know what it looked like before, they really won't be that impressed. Oh well. I'm impressed enough for everyone that I actually did some outdoor work.

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