Monday, March 10, 2014

Miscellaneous Monday

When Husband goes out of town, things get wild. I mean, I do stuff I don’t do when he’s here, I lose track of time, and things happen. By this, I mean, I clean the whole house, top to bottom. Yesterday, when I got home from church, the party started. I kicked it off by cleaning the kitchen. I cleaned out the fridge and freezers, the pantry; I did the counters, the dishes, and mopped the floor. I took a break and ran a little, then got back into it. I vacuumed the house; I mopped all the bathroom flours and the entryway. I did a load of laundry, and cleaned all the bathrooms, toilets, mirrors, counters. I got rid of all the cardboard in the garage, so we don’t look like hoarders anymore. By the time I finished this, it had been 4 hours. Then I put together a filing cabinet for all of our important documents, made dinner, and made breakfast for the week. I felt pretty good! And then saw it was about 8:00. My whole day was gone.

Daylight Savings is the worst. I don’t understand the logic behind cutting an hour of my day, to make it a better day. No. It just makes me mad. The fall one is better, I’ll grant you, but the whole thing is still stupid. Yesterday, when I woke up for church, because I didn’t want to set an alarm (yes, I know this only punishes myself), when I woke up at the normal time, I only had an hour to get ready for church. I could have set an alarm and woke up at the normal time, but no, I don’t want to. I did get to church on time, but the whole thing is so stupid. It throws off so many things for a little while, and I think it’s dumb. I vote to get rid of it. Who’s with me?

I’m going on a trip this week. I’m sure I’ll be blogging about it, when I’m finished, but right now, I am so excited. I only have to work 4 days this week, and then I get to leave. 10 days of fun times start, and I am jazzed. We’re going on a cruise, and leaving from Florida, so there is much fun to be had. I watched Non-Stop over the weekend, and it made me hesitant to fly, because in my head, if that happens in a movie, what if it happens to me?! But I know it won’t, logically, but the movie part of my brain now is sure it’ll happen. I know it won’t, but still, wish me luck!

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