Wednesday, March 19, 2014

A Puerto Rican School Day

This morning, I realized that there are words on the floors of the elevators. I asked Husband, when we got in, why they had ‘Tuesday’ written down on the floor, because it didn’t occur to me that being on a ship for seven days would make you lose all sense of time.


But it was really helpful to have those! We went to Puerto Rico today, and docked at about noon. Our excursion was again right after we docked, so we had to hurry off to get there. Today, we were going to trapeze school!

I was very excited and also terrified. Of course, I knew that they wouldn’t let anything happen to us, it would be safe, but still, kind of scary! We got all suited up in our belts


And after a quick safety lesson and an explanation of what we’d be doing, away we went! We were told to grab the bar, swing out, get your knees up on the bar, let go of the bar so that only your knees were up there, swing out again, come back in, and then let go of the bar, and sit down on your way down. When they asked who wanted to go first, I shot my hand up, because I was so nervous, I wanted to get it over with. I made the slow climb up the really long ladder, and at the top, they affixed me to some safety wiring. Just fine with me! They took a pic as I was up there:

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And away I went! I followed their directions pretty well, I think, and it was so exhilarating! My hands were shaking so hard when I was done, I couldn’t believe I had done it! Here are some pics to give you an idea of what it was like:

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It was so fun! Sadly, we never got good enough to get up to partner tricks, and honestly, that’s just fine with me. I had enough traumas just doing the basics! After the trapeze, we spent the evening walking around and touring the island. The streets there are blue stones, it was really pretty!


We went to dinner at a local place, which had me slightly worried, because my stomach isn’t strong enough as it is. We ordered some soda, and I wasn’t as lucky in the soda department, size-wise


Finally, we went to a CVS on our way back into the ship, because I needed some more body wash – apparently there wasn’t as much in the bottle as I thought there was, and I ran out. Thank goodness they randomly had a CVS across from our ship! Then, back onto the boat for more sailing adventures.

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