Saturday, March 1, 2014

A Trip to Durango: Pt 1

This morning, after waking up, Chelle and I went to the gym. When we walked in there, we were surprised to see how lackluster it was.


Yes, all that you are seeing there is 1 exercise bike, 1 elliptical machine, and a weight machine. So, she hopped on the bike, I chose elliptical, and away we went. After our workout, we went for some breakfast.


Isn’t that the most delicious pancake you’ve ever seen? It was. We spent the day walking around downtown Durango, and seeing the entire town and everything we did there took a few hours. It snowed, it rained on us, but it was still a blast.

We went into a billion small stores, and bought some really random things, that even as I was buying them, I thought, I’m not sure what I’m going to do with these, but they’re cute, so I got them anyway. We went into a bakery there, and bought cupcakes. 7 dollars is how much that cupcake cost, can you believe it?! I have never paid that much for a single cupcake in my life. I still haven’t even eaten it! Any minute now, everyone. Any minute now.

Stay tuned for part two!

1 comment:

Maleen said...

Wait, I still haven't figured out why you went to Colorado. Was it FOR the basketball game?? And why was Gerb there??