Saturday, March 8, 2014

A Crafty Week

This week, I’ve done a few crafts. There were a couple of cards I made, for the swapping of cards:


I thought they turned out pretty cute. And then today, I was at Hobby Lobby to find something else to put on my table. On the coffee table in my living room, I used to have a vase full of stones and then it had some inspirational words on there. I blogged about it when I first made it, but that was 2 years ago, and I’m too lazy to go find it. Then, a month or so ago, I put (in the same vase) a bunch of gray and yellow Sixlets candy, and some yellow pinwheels, for a baby shower, and then I ended up leaving them up for a while. But then, people kept eating the candy out of it, so I had to change it. So, off to the HobLob for me. After walking around a long time, I finally decided on some flowers. I picked out the ones I liked best, came home, and arranged them. I placed them on the table, and this is what they look like:


And now, my crafting is complete. I don’t have to make cards for a while, and the things in my house should be fine – for now.

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