Tuesday, March 18, 2014

ATV Adventures in Grand Turk

This morning, we sailed in to Grand Turk and Caicos Island. Since I’ve never been this far outside of the country, and never to an island, I had no idea what to expect. We docked bright and early, arriving at 8:00. Our excursion started at 8:15, so we had to make sure to be off the boat quickly. Luckily, it was already warm as we made our way off the ship


Sorry that pic is so dark; it’s the best I could do with the sun right there. We hustled over to the ATV people – our activity for the day. We all suited up into our helmets and safety vests, and away we went!


We traveled the entirety of the island on our ATV’s, which isn’t that hard to do when the island is only 6 miles long. We found some sea urchins at a spot, and I held one, but oy did I hate the feel of its little mouth on my hand!

So I gave it back right after that. We traveled around the rest of the island, learning a little bit about the place. I’m sure I would have learned more, but between the static of the earpieces in our helmets, and the guide’s accent, I barely made out what I could. On the way back into the boat, through the duty free shop, I found the biggest bottle of vodka I’ve ever seen:

I wanted to pick it up, but it was so heavy I was afraid I would drop it, and at $360, I wasn’t going to let that happen, so I just touched it for scale. After our adventures, and getting really dusty, it was back on the boat, and ready for our next adventure! Sail on!

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