Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Time to Put My Feet Up

Sometimes, I like to put my feet up. Not all the time, but once in a while, I appreciate taking the pressure off my legs. Not that there’s a lot of pressure going on there, but still, it’s nice. I had a foot rest at the office that was like, 4 inches off the ground, which was nice, but it wasn’t all that much off the ground. I’ve been using my computer tower at work to use as a foot rest, but it’s all hard, so my heel ends up hurting after a little bit. I decided, it was finally time to find something. I searched on Amazon, but all that I found on there was really cute ottoman’s that were about $150 and I was not having that. So finally, it sprang to my mind to check IKEA, because they have stuff. And as soon as I searched for it on their website, I found one within seconds! So today after work, I went over there, found it, brought it home, and made it. I’d like to say I took pics of it, but I’m not a very good blogger, in that I don’t remember to always take pics of stuff I’m doing. But take my word for it, it looks good. Here it is from the website:

See, fancy! Now, tomorrow, I’ll be taking it into work, and seeing how it works for my purposes. I’ll keep you posted!

1 comment:

Chelle! said...

I covet yours!! I need to get one for myself. I really do.