Monday, April 1, 2013

Miscellaneous Monday

This past weekend, I bought some new bed sheets and a comforter. My previous comforter got sliced on my side of the bed…but I have no idea how that happened. I don’t think I have a knife with me in my sleep, and don’t think my hands are sharp enough to do that, so I don’t know where this came from. I didn’t even see it, Husband is the one who pointed it out to me. So since that, we’ve been looking for a new comforter that neither of us hate, isn’t a billion dollars (Seriously, how expensive are these?! I’m blown away!) but finally, in the clearance section of Bed, Bath and Beyond, we found it. Of course, I was too tired to put it on the night we bought it, so finally Friday night, we got it put on.


Ta-daaaa! I like it. Sleeping in is it nice, and its light but warm. I expect to have good night sleeps from now on.

I am writing this while on my death bed. Ok, that may be an overreaction. This past weekend, I started to get sick. On Saturday, my body was incredibly achy and sore, I chalked it up to the long run I had done that morning. Then Sunday, it was getting worse. Standing was a no-go, so after church, I literally laid around the house all day. I put on my pajamas, and didn’t get back up. At some point I ate soup, which was about the only thing I ate. Then I woke up this morning, and I didn’t feel well at all. But its Monday, so I went to work. I was there for about 2 hours, and things were not doing well. Sitting up wasn’t good, so after some promptings from Chelle, I came home. I immediately put on PJ’s again, and laid down. I was FREEZING. After a while of only being wrapped in a blanket, I grabbed a blanket to lay on, a quilt to wrap around myself, and a comforter all around me. It took me 3 hours of being wrapped in that to get warm, and then I got HOT, fast. So now, I’m going back and forth from feeling perfectly ok, to being nearly in tears over the pain and whatnot going on. So right now, I’m ok. My head hurts, my body hurts, but I haven’t moved in like, 2 hours, so I think that may be helping. Whatever this thing is that I have going on better stop, because I have had enough of this.

And to go with being sick, when I’m sick, my emotions are super heightened. I don’t know if its like this for everyone, but I will cry like, instantly. So today when I got home, I turned on a show, Chicago Fire. And at the end of it, this young boy died after falling down a laundry chute. His mom came and visited the fire station and told them the boy wanted to be a firefighter when he grew up. Now, already, I’m having some tears go down my face. Then a few minutes later, they give him a full on firefighter salute of them having a flag at half-mast, they’re all in full uniform, they salute him. I was almost hysterically sobbing at this. Of course, most people would probably not admit this, but I’m ok with admitting it. My name is Vieve, and I cry. A lot.


Chelle! said...

I like the new comforter. Absolutely adorable. As for sick...I am so sorry. I hope you feel better.

Maleen said...

Love the bedspread.

And don't worry. Lots of people cry...a lot. Myself included.