Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Hurts so Good

Lately, my feet hurt. Not the whole foot, and not even all the time. But there’s one specific place in the arch that just hurts. Mostly when I stretch it weird, or if I happen to just rub my foot weird on my flip flop. But when I push into the spot, or dig like, the leg of my chair into it, I get a feeling that I can describe as “glorious pain”. I finally understand the phrase: Hurts So Good, because it does. It HURTS when I do that, but it feels amazing too. The other day I was like, I should get a small foam roller for my feet, and work on them (Especially with the half marathon this weekend). I went to Sports Authority, and found:
Now, these feel AMAZING. The gray one is awesome (and if you get these, I recommend doing them with socks on, it takes the intensity out a little, and makes it feel just a little better) and the orange one…feels. It’s not good or bad, necessarily, it just feels different. Pokier, for sure, but I am using the heck out of the gray one. I’m close to bringing it to work to do during the day!
I really enjoy them, and if you have feet pain where I’ve described, or probably any, I would recommend these. Now maybe my feet won’t be too bad this weekend!


Maleen said...

Weird. I've never tried anything like that. But then again, my feet don't hurt.

Chelle! said...

These look intriguing. I might just have to get some and try them out. My feet always hurt. :(