Sunday, April 28, 2013

And the Floods Came Up

This morning, I woke up feeling pretty dang good. So, after lazing about for about 30 minutes, I was like, I am going to get up, I’m going to work out, I’m going to get ready and be at church early enough to get a good seat. I was ready for this. So after making the bed, and cleaning up various spots on my way down, I turned on the TV, started my movie, (LoveStruck, in case anyone was wondering) and then put away my clothes down there. Before I started running, I thought it might be a good idea to blow my nose, make sure it wasn’t a nuisance. As I was stepping out of the bathroom, I thought it was wet on the ground, but then I realized, I stepped on the metal thing, so of course it was cold. Then, because I’m a loon, I went back and touched the same area, to make sure the thing I felt was really the metal, and not anything else. When I went back, I noticed that actually, the carpet right there was wet. For a second, I was like, oh, I’m sure this is fine, most likely a spill. I checked the carpet around the door frame…down the hall…in the other rooms…and they were really wet. At this point, I was beginning to panic.

I ran upstairs and grabbed Husband. And by grabbed him, I mean, I bounded upstairs, and yelled up to him “Flood! Flood! We have flooding in the basement!” He came downstairs and we tried to investigate. We thought we pinpointed where it had started, but to be honest, we had no idea. It was wetter in some places then others, and there was no indication on the walls that let us know what was going on. So, we decided to bring in some fans (apparently, Husband has many fans at his office, so he was going to get them, and we’d just utilize them for the time being) and then if it happened, again, hopefully we can pinpoint things. So, he went upstairs to put on shoes and the like, and I was going to just…go about my day, I guess. After I was downstairs, I happened to look over to the wall, and I discovered the leak! It somehow came in the window, from the outside, down the wall (or something) and after soaking the carpet, it slowly spread all along the walls.

Pleased with finding where it came from, again, I bounded up the stairs, and told Husband I figured out where it was coming from. He came and looked at it and realized, he was actually the one that caused the leak! He was working outdoors, and after pulling up some old weeds/tree things, he knocked a pipe/sprinkler head, which broke it. Then when the sprinklers went off this morning like usual, they flooded outside, then the water just went anywhere it could, which meant, the basement. After we discovered the reasoning, he went to go get the fans, and I used a whole lotta towels to try to get some of the soakings down. After I went through 6 towels, I had had enough, so I gave up. Husband then returned with the fans, which we set up all over the basement. And now…we wait. Hopefully, this will all work, and the carpet will be fine, and the house won’t be gross, and the sprinklers won’t do this anymore. And if it doesn’t…well, we can always move to another house, probably.


Maleen said...

Hate flooding, especially on carpet. Hate when houses are built wrong and there is a drain inches away, but the water flows the opposite direction. Grr. (I may have had some experience here.) I hope your house dries quickly.

Chelle! said...

Oh my gosh, I would not even know what to do. I probably would just panic. Sorry that this happened to you.