Monday, December 17, 2012

Miscellaneous Monday

Things have been a little hectic. I can’t believe how busy things are, but it always seems to happen like this around the holidays. One of the things making me a little busier than usual is that for my Christmas gift to siblings this year, I’ve decided to do a craft for them. I wish I could add a pic, but because I’m not sure if any of them read this, I don’t want to include a pic and ruin the surprise for them. I’m excited to give these out, and I hope that not only do they love it, but that they appreciate all the hard work I’ve put in.

After my skiing adventure, I am sore. My body just HURTS. It hurts to move my neck, it hurts to move my body, and I just want to lie down and do nothing. Maybe I should have stretched when I got home, or something. I did try to take a warm bath, in the hopes that it would help soothe the muscles, but to be honest, I’m really not sure if I did anything at all. I can never tell what to do when I’m sore. Usually it’s just my legs, so I just stretch them, but when it’s weird parts like, necks, backs, etc, I just panic and do nothing, usually. I’m sure it’ll feel better in a few days, like most things do.

Today when I got to work, I found this on my desk:


I thought this was nice, and a nice surprise to start the morning with. I’m not sure who gave it to me (I know they hid their identity on purpose, I just want to know!) but I do thank them for the nice gift. It helps to make a Monday a little better!

1 comment:

Maleen said...

That is a pretty funny note. I miss having Tyler in your part of the building. I used to do things to your desk, or leave you and Chelle things...but alas, no more.

p.s. Don't even bother asking what i did. I won't tell.