Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A Caddy!

For Christmas yesterday, I got a shower caddy. Not only a caddy, but a stainless steel one. If you don’t know why this excites me so, you must not have need of such an item. The shower in our house is just that -  a shower. There’s no tub, so there’s nothing to set anything on in there, there’s barely enough room to stand in there. So we purchased a shower caddy, and after it’s been in there for a while, it started to rust. And since it’s been in there for a year+ now, the thing was rusting to heck. All of my research tells me that a stainless steel one will never rust, so I want one of those. I’ve been wanting to get a stainless steel one for a little while now, but just haven’t gotten around to it. Luckily, Santa brought us one, yay!

As soon as I got home, and put everything away, I got to work setting it up. I needed some help with it naturally, but finally got it going.


This is me, setting it up. I was so psyched about it. It had one less shelf than the previous caddy, but I solved that problem by not having as many shampoos in there as I usually do. And when it was done, I almost shed a tear of happiness.


Ta-daaaa! I am so happy for this. And I hope it never rusts.

1 comment:

Maleen said...

Who builds a shower without a place to put things? What are they thinking??