Monday, December 3, 2012

Germany, Continued

Hello again! Still here, still not speaking German. I forgot yesterday to do my standard "rental car" pic. The cars here are similar to ours back home, but not quite. Here's our car:
A VW Passat! It's pretty big, which is weird, for me, usually on trips, my car is so small. But there are a few of us with all a bunch of luggage.

I thought I'd show some pics of our hotel. The first night, we stayed in a hotel called Burg Schnellenberg. It's fancy! I tried to take some pictures of it when we got there, but it was dark, so here's what I got:

Here's some of it, from the side, and sadly at night.

And there it is, impressively looming. Here's a pic off of the internet, so you can see what it's supposed to look like:

Pretty fancy. A weird thing with this place, is that there are no heaters. They have radiators in every room - including the bathroom, and you just turn that on and let it heat up the place. The pillows are weird. The blankets are weird. The toilets are weird - they flush weird and everything. And with everything in Celsius, I'm just guessing at how warm it will be! But things are good, and I'm safe, and I'm eating food I probably wouldn't. I did try a drink today that was a combination Orange Soda/Coke and while I thought it would be gross, it actually ended up being pretty good! So now, my mind is being opened all the time!

1 comment:

Chelle! said...

Thanks incredibly fancy. WOW!!! Did you happen to take pictures of the inside? Details girl...details!! Orange/coke...interesting. I might just have to try it. HA