Saturday, July 14, 2012

Tissue Boxes, or: How I like to Shop

I go to Target every Saturday. Well, a few times a week, if I'm being truthful, but I always go on Saturdays, and it's with PJ for the most part. Husband doesn't really care for it, and I heart it, so I usually don't bring him. While we were shopping today, we were walking down the toothpaste/tissue aisle (I'm still learning where stuff is, after the renovation) and we look over and notice that there are letters on the tissue boxes, and they spell out the name 'Veronica'. Well, of course we had to change them. It took a few minutes, but we found the letters we need to spell out her name and (most of) mine. Of course I had to take a picture, so that I would remember this always.
Ta-Da! I don't know how long it stayed up, could have been 5 minutes, could have been 5 hours, but I know that for the bit it was up, people must have been like, "what's a Vieve?" and really, that makes my life complete.

1 comment:

Maleen said...

That is great. If there was an 'M', I totally could have spelled my name. Probably not the last name though. Did you see many 'Z's?