Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Sour Patch Fairy

As many know, my kid sister Rory moved to Cali with her husband about 4 months ago. We still keep in touch pretty much every day, via texting. Best thing ever, the invention of texting. A few months ago, I sent her some Sour Patch Kids. She told me that she couldn't find any in her town, and she'd tried pretty much every store near her. So, being a kind soul, I logged onto the ol' Amazon, and sent her 2 1.9 lb bags of them.
It was pretty cheap, plus the 2 day shipping was free, so it was easy on my part, I didn't actually have to do much work. So yesterday, she sent me a picture text, showing me that she was almost out of the Sour Patch Kids and how sad she would be. Well, I already had sent her these bags, so I wasn't really thinking of sending anymore, so I just said "Well, maybe the Sour Patch Fairy will visit you." And she asked if she should put the last Kid under her pillow. I said yes, please do, and take a picture to show me, and then we changed the conversation, and I'll admit, I forgot about it. 
Until this morning, when she sent me the following picture:
I DIED laughing at this. I got it during the day, at work, and I laughed hysterically for like, 30 minutes. Of course, I shared with those around me, who also got a good chuckle, methinks. I could never be this clever, I would never even think of it! So, on points of cleverness, I logged onto the ol' Amazon yet again, and have sent her 2 more bags. I haven't told her, though, they'll be a surprise to her when they just show up on her door, and I think that's one of the greatest things, to be surprised with a treat like that. This just goes to show you, if you're clever enough, I'll buy you things. 


Chelle! said...

Aw...this is absolutely adorable. She is truly lucky to have you in her life. I think that she will be so excited when she receives another least I know that I would.

Maleen said...

Ha. That is really funny. I should send my sister a care package...