Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Carvin’ Time

As Halloween is in just a day, I thought it was an appropriate time to start carving my pumpkins. So, last night, I got a few from the local pumpkin patch, and got going. I found a pic of the way I did my pumpkins, and I thought it was adorable, so I gave it a try. It didn’t work out nearly as cutely as it did in the pic I saw, but I gave it a go, therefore, no one can criticize me. Ha! Here are my three pumpkins that I carved:


Boo! I thought these were awesome. And the reason I used the lighter colors for their eyes is because I thought it would make them look less spooky, and maybe like more approachable pumpkins, haha. But I like them. They’re now decorating my table.

Because I had many pumpkins left over, I decided to paint them. Why, you ask? No idea, it just seemed a good plan. So, I got out some paints, painted some little guys, left some alone, and then put them all in a clear bowl for decoration. I don’t know if it’s as cute as I saw it in my head, but it’s not hideous, so I’ll keep it out for a day or so.


And there it is. It’s not exactly like I wanted, but it’s not the worst thing I’ve ever done. Happy HalloweenEve!


Chelle! said...

I love that bowl of pumpkins. That is such a great idea! Your pumpkins with the teeth...a tad bit scary for me. Happy Halloween Eve!!

Maleen said...

I've seen those little ones on Pinterest and I almost made some. Yours look super cute.