Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Monterey, Le End

On our last day of Monterey business, Husband had to work from the hotel, so I just hung out with my sister, and we just sort of took it slowly, hanging out, didn’t do much, just chatted. My plan was to hang out with her until noon-thirty, and then go pick Husband up from the hotel, and head over to the airport. She has cats, and this one seemed pretty obsessed with faces. I usually don’t let cats get close to me, but he was small enough.


I got a call from him at like, noon, telling me they had delayed our flight. He was going to call the airline and make sure that we could still make our connecting flight. After talking to them, we found out that we wouldn’t make our second flight, so we had to now fly out of San Jose to Denver, then from Denver to SLC. Our flight to Denver was earlier, so off we went to the airport. On our way there, we ran out of gas. Husband was trying to return the rental car with as little gas in it as possible. So, naturally, we ran out of gas. We coasted off the freeway (yup, freeway) and then Husband had to push the car to the side of the road, then went to get gas. I hung out. We got to Denver pretty well, and found out as soon as we arrived that our flight to SLC was delayed by 30 minutes. Sheesh!

After eating and waiting for what seemed like a long time, we were off. A 6 yr old boy sat next to me, and boy was he chatty. Even as I was reading my book, he decided to chat, so instead of super paying attention, I just sort of said “uh-huh. yeah” and things of the like as he just talked. After about 20 minutes, he turned to me and asked “What’s your favorite thing that we’ve talked about so far?” Uh..I didn’t expect a quiz! An adult wouldn’t have quizzed! So I just said the last thing I remember, pink vampire bunnies. He nodded, then said “My favorite is when we talked about my Halloween costume.” (a vampire) When we finally landed, at 11:15, I was pretty tired. We got to the car at about 11:50, then arrived home at 12:26. I was in bed by 12:29, and asleep pretty much immediately. I skipped running this morning (with a half marathon this weekend, so good) woke up at 6:50, and I’ve actually not felt very tired today! I am looking forward to going to be early though.

What a fun trip I had, with the only thing I hated was the travel time, and how late we got in. But if a 6 year old can land at 11:15 at night not tired, I need to learn to do the same thing!


Maleen said...

Oops, see...if I had just read it all, you mentioned the whole running thing. Didn't mean to get ahead.

That is hilarious about the kid. And I love that he quizzed you. I honestly could see Ivory doing the same thing.

Chelle! said...

I love the story of that little boy. It makes me giggle everytime.