Monday, October 22, 2012

Miscellaneous Monday

I haven’t done a Misc. Monday in a while, and while each of these could indeed be their own entry, I just don’t want to write a bunch of blogs, so I’ll just consolidate them into this.

On Saturday, I finally had my half marathon. All week, I didn’t really feel like I had a race coming up. I don’t know what it is, but it just didn’t feel like I had anything coming up. So, come Friday night, we had our pre-race feast of pasta (chicken alfredo with some broccoli and red peppers for some color) and then I went to bed earlyish, since the race was at 8, in SoJo, and I wanted to be there at least 30 minutes early. I woke up Saturday, and off to pick up PJ. I was running late, and so I ran to the car with my stuff in hand, and off we went. (Husband drove us to the start line, because we weren’t allowed to leave a car there. Dumb.) It wasn’t until we were near her house, that I realized I didn’t grab my breakfast/pre-race banana. Oh the humanity! And of course, PJ didn’t have any bananas. We drove up, and got dropped off at the race start, and what should be there but a 7-11! I ran inside with the change I scrounged up, and took a look, and they had no bananas. The cashier asked what I was looking for, and I told him bananas. He said he had some that he didn’t want to put out, because they were getting ripe. Even though I HATE eating bananas that are too ripe, I was pretty desperate, so I bought one, and ate about half of it before I couldn’t take it anymore, and threw the rest away. Then, the race started. It was a little chilly before we started, then it was a pretty  warm race after that. We finished in 2:23:00, and a finisher’s medal was mine for the taking!

SoJo Medal

After the race, I walked through the corral for runners, I picked up the usual post-race far. A bottle of water, an apple, an ice cream sandwich, and a snowcone. Tiger’s Blood, my favorite flavor. It was a good race, I think I’ll do it again. After stretching for a while, I’m still sore, 2 days later. Worth it, though, for the medal.

I went to Lagoon this weekend. On Sunday. That’s right, everyone, I went to Lagoon on Sunday. Here’s my rationalization for it, and I’ll gladly explain why. I bought the tickets for Husband’s birthday 3 months ago. I’ve tried several times in those 3 months to go, and it just hasn’t worked out. So, now, this week is the final week of being able to go at all – it closes on Halloween for the season. So basically, it’s use or lose all that money, because they don’t do refunds – no exceptions. And we can’t go this upcoming weekend, because Husband is out of town. So it either had to be Sunday, or no day. So, off we went. We rode all the rides we wanted – Colossus, Wicked (SO AWESOME), The Bat (Yawn), Samurai, the white Roller Coaster (That’s seriously the name), Centennial Screamer, and one more that I can’t think of the name. Basically, all the roller coaster rides, and similar ones thereof. Then we  took a walk through Pioneer Village, and looked through the cool small buildings, played a Midway Game, and won a small polar bear stuffed animal (I would have included a pic, but I forgot until I was writing this, and then I didn’t want to get up. I’m sure at some point, I’ll include a pic somewhere). I call him Jaques le Bear. He has a French accent in my head, so I liked it. After spending a few hours there, we called it a day, because rain clouds were threatening, and I didn’t want to be caught in the rain. It was a fun trip, hopefully we can go next summer again, to enjoy it more, for longer.I wish I had some pics or something to include, but the problem with only being two people is that there’s only 2 people for to take, and I hate asking strangers if they’d take a pic, since it’s usually with my phone.

This morning, as I was eating breakfast, I broke a glass. I don’t even know how it happened, it just did. I was in bare feet and everything, so Husband threw me a pair of flip flops, and I cleaned everything up. Of course, this broken glass leaves me with 5 glasses instead of 6, so now I want to break another one to have an even number.


Maleen said...

Awesome job on the run. I am running TOMORROW!! I am excited, but my time won't be as good as yours. My finish. And I know I can do that.

Chelle! said...

YEAH!!! Good job on your run!! That is awesome!!! could always give your extra glass to someone in need. This would give you points with service blessings. Or...hey, pay it forward. Fill the glass with something and give it to someone. See...there are plenty of ideas. :)