Monday, May 19, 2008

This isn't my first time

I love firsts. They can be small, like the first snowfall of the season, or first day of soccer season, or they can be big, like the time I crossed the finish line in my first 5k. No matter what it is, it’s a great feeling. I have had another first in the last couple of days-my first sunburn of the season. It’s not a bad burn-that’ll come later, no doubt, but having one means I’m laying the groundwork. Soon, my arms and legs will no longer be as white as a sheet. I’ll look healthy, and a good color, instead of the sickly pale I look during the winter.

I got the burn doing a run. Because of my lazy weekend (see previous post) my Sunday was way slowed down. I decided to eat a big breakfast (ok, it wasn’t that big. It was like, a bowl of cereal, a banana, and a biscuit.) and wait for a run. Three hours later, I was thinking it could be time to run, because I was kind of sick of just lying around. It was 11:40 and I thought that maybe it was too hot to run, but I went anyways.

It was warm-but nothing bad. I didn’t really feel the heat of the sun or anything, I just felt the heat in general, but it wasn’t unbearable, until about 45 minutes into the run, then I just was hit with how hot and tired I was, so I decided to call it a day, and went back home. I noticed I was red, but I figured that was just from the run, and thought nothing of it. It wasn’t until later that night when I looked in the mirror that I saw that it was a burn. Nice and red my skin was-but only on my face, neck and shoulders, of course. Just where the tank top wasn’t. I’m glad I got some sun, and having this burn now will make it so that later it won’t be as bad (I hope.) And of course, I have a few good tan lines, one from where my watch was, and the other from where my MP3 player was. I’ll have to get rid of those at my first chance!


Chelle! said...

YEA!! The first sunburn of the season means that summer if finally upon us (until Wednesday-that is). Okay, now you know that you have a sunburn, next time where sunscreen. (Yep, that is my advice for today--ha ha!)

Maleen said...

Yes, I am too smart for that now. It only takes me about 20 minutes to get a sunburn so me and sunscreen are good friends. Unless of course, I just forget to put it on, and then I have to remind sunscreen that he needs to speak up because a girl can't remember everything.
Oddly, I often forget to put it on myself right after I just lathered up three little girls. Stupid huh?

PJ said...

Apply your Transfer Factor RenewAll and call me in the morning.