Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I don't care if this is nuts, and I don't care if it hurts. I'm gonna climb this insanely high mountain. Watch me

I run every day. I do a pretty good work out every day, with the exception of Friday, there's too much going on there to squeeze it in. When I first started exercising a few years ago, I lost upwards of 60 pounds. After the soccer of high school ended, I just stopped doing anything, and slowly, the pounds creeped up on me. I didn't even notice, until I looked at pictures of my brothers wedding, and knew that I had to do something.
Now, 4 years later, I have slowly started to gain it back. I'm exercising better/harder than I used to, but working at a desk job does have its disadvantages. And I'm not telling you this for the pity 'you're not fat!', because that's not what I'm doing here. I can see that I've gained, and I'm not what I used to be. The reason I'm sharing this with all (5) of you out there is that I want to let it be known what I'm doing. I've read, over and over again, that when you want to hit a goal, and need support or whatev, you should tell people, so that they can help keep you on track or something. I think its more that when people know about it-you HAVE to stay on it, otherwise, you just seem lazy.
I've enlisted the help of my older brother James in this matter. He's the fittest person I know, and he's going to be my trainer. (From afar, he lives in California.) He's a former marine and he's going out for the LAPD right now. I also think he can improve my running time-I found out this morning that he can run a mile and a half in 9 minutes. Good goodness, that's fast. He's worked out a training plan for me, based on what the marines do, and we're gonna give it a shot and see how it works. I'm not expecting miracles, and I'm not going to be like, 90 pounds, but I'm going to give this a try-and hopefully it'll work out in my favor. I'd like to be able to say that I'll cut out like sugar and stuff, but I know already it's not realistic, so I'm just going to try to eat healthier. That'll be better-and it might actually happen. So please, cheer me on, ya'll, because I need all the support I can get.


Maleen said...

Wow, I am already so impressed with all the running you do, I couldn't imagine you adding MORE to your workout. But I am inspired. I don't have much motivation now, but you better believe, come August, I am going to need to shed some poundage. Maybe you can be my trainer.

PJ said...

Go fatty!

Chelle! said...

You go girl!!!! YOU ARE NOT FAT!!!