Sunday, May 11, 2008

God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers.

Because this is Mother's Day, I have decided to dedicate today's post to my mama. She won't read it, (she never reads my bloggity-blog) but hey, at least its out there.
My mom is the greatest. She is a tiny feisty German woman who will stick to her guns more so than anyone you will meet. She has rules, and you will follow these rules or get her wrath-and anyone who knows history knows, you don't piss off the Germans. When I was younger, she was really strict. We had set bedtimes-which aren't bad, but oh my goodness, they were so early. I could never wait until my next birthday, in which I could extend the bedtime for a half an hour. Glorious times. But now that I'm older, I appreciate the strict-ness. There are worse things than having an early bedtime.
She is really supportive. She came to every soccer game I had-sun, rain, snow, anything. She would bring treats to them, be a carpool for it, anything. She goes to everything that her grandchildren are involved in. If they have a Halloween parade, she's there to cheer them on. If anyone needs anything, she will be there to provide it.
My mom is super thoughtful. If she's at the store and sees something she thinks I'll like, she'll buy it, and then surprise me later with it. She calls me to tell me if I got something good in the mail, or if something happened that she can't wait to tell me. If she sees something new at the grocery store that I've mentioned I want to try, she'll get it so that we can try it.
She is a hoot. She will sing all the time-operatic things that are really just saying what she's doing, or she'll sing people's names. Ok, mostly mine, but my name is very sing-able. Even though we always tell her not sing when she's doing it, its really very funny when she does it. She has these random funny sayings that just make me giggle when she says them. The way she pronounces some words are bleeding hilarious-and its even better when she'll repeat it for me, then hit me for laughing. (ok, that sounds bad, but you know what I mean)
There are so many more things I can say about her, but I don't want this blog to be crazy long. I'm glad I have my mom-and I hope that today made you all appreciate your own!


Unknown said...

Don't believe that your Mom doesn't read your blog. Sometimes, person or persons unknown (unindicted co-conspirators) do willingly with foreknowledge thereof put her in a headlock and hold her nose to her monitor screen until she has read it.
This particular one she wants to save and frame.

PJ said...

Your mom is a good mom to me, too.

Ktjsusanne said...

Mama is the funniest thing ever! She is great. My kids love her to death. Whenever they have to do something they always want me to call and see if she can come. Jack always has to have his grandma come and hold his hand when he goes to the dentist. I forgot to call and remind her this last time and he really let me have it. Trust me, I won't do that again.

Chelle! said...

Your mom is so cute!!! The stories that you tell about her are great!!! Aren't we lucky to have fabulous MOM's!!!

julie said...

when you talk about your mother i feel she at all times let you know that she loves you. From sitting at a soccor game in any kind of weather or putting you to bed early. God bless mothers everywhere.

julie said...

when you talk about your mother i feel she at all times let you know that she loves you. From sitting at a soccor game in any kind of weather or putting you to bed early. God bless mothers everywhere.