Tuesday, May 13, 2008

101 things about yours truly

Chelle told me about how her sister-in-law wrote 101 things about herself on her blog, and I thought I’d try something like that. I’m not saying it’ll be great, but I’ll try to make it good. It’ll start off with the obvious info, and then I’ll have to get more creative. And if you already know all this stuff about me, then consider yourself part of my inner sanctum.

1) My favorite color is gray.
2) I love nachos too much right now.
3) Soccer is my favorite sport of all time.
4) I have had one stitch in my life-on my face right above the lip.
5) I have cut my head open once.
6) TV show I’m loving right now is Burn Notice. I fully believe the stuff he teaches us each episode will come in handy some day.
7) My guilty pleasure movie is The Covenant. Crappy dialogue + hot guys with no shirts = fantastic movie.
8) Favorite accent is Australian. I could listen to one of those guys read the phone book and I’d be enthralled forever.
9) One of my life goals is to visit and get a shirt from every Hard Rock Café. I think I’m up to 4 right now.
10) My favorite book series of all time is the Majyk series by Esther Freisner.
11) I am an organ donor
12) One of my favorite smells is Purell. I know that’s weird.
13) I don’t like chocolate cake
14) I hate chocolate ice cream
15) I want to marry into a WASP family.
16) I like to rename people after I’ve met them
17) I don’t like the outdoors.
18) Summer is my favorite season
19) My favorite juice is orange
20) I want to touch a cow. Living-lets make that distinction
21) I hate ice cream cakes. My problem with the ice cream is that the ice cream has to be frozen, so the cake does too, and I hate that.
22) Sometimes when I’ve been typing for a bit, I realize I’ve neglected a letter, (say, an S) and I have to use that letter in the next few words.
23) Disneyland is one of my favorite places in the world
24) I hate to talk on the phone-I only like to text people.
25) I wish life was more like when I was in school. Out by three, with summers and holidays off.
26) I can’t just sit there and watch TV, I have to do other things while watching, whether it be working out or reading.
27) I have two tattoos-both of which are located on my back
28) I don’t show my love with being mushy and saying ‘I love you’ I fully believe in buying people things to show my affection.
29) I snort when I laugh too hard. And I clap when I laugh too hard.
30) I think my parrot is hilarious when she’s not inflicting bodily harm on me.
31) When I get angry at myself while playing sports, I’ll tighten my ponytail.
32) I hate celebrities that say they don’t work out or watch what they eat. Yeah, your ribs naturally stick out like that.
33) My pet peeves are interrupting and people reading over my shoulder.
34) I love to watch Hannah Montana and most of the Disney Channel original movies that come on.
35) I hate when people call me by my shortened name if I don’t think we’ve been friends for long enough.
36) I own over twenty pairs of flip-flops
37) I run about ten degrees cooler than most people.
38) I keep track of how many movies I see-I write them down, and the method in which I saw them.
39) I’m watching all the DVD’s I own in alphabetical order.
40) I can’t do an accent to save my life.
41) I have OCD in a major way
42) Target is my favorite store in the world.
43) My idol to meet right now is Kyle Beckerman
44) I like to get colds
45) I want to break a bone-preferably a leg
46) I won ‘Pride of the Pack’ two times in high school. (Timpanogos’ version of MVP)
47) I once put a hole through my cheek with a lollipop stick
48) Elevators are my favorite-because I have met most of my favorite soccer players in them.
49) I sing and dance involuntarily
50) Superman is my favorite superhero.
51) Cherry pie is my favorite pie. (right now)
52) I don’t like to play games that I can’t guarantee I’ll win
53) I cheat at Clue every time I’ve played-and I used to cheat at Life, but I haven’t done that in a long time.
54) I believe cats are the devil
55) I don’t like the ocean. Or sand.
56) I’m not really sure what my real hair color is anymore.
57) I hate the noise that nail clippers make when they’re cutting a nail
58) David Beckham’s voice makes me think of him as less than a man
59) I don’t think baseball is a real sport
60) I am allergic to pretty much every lotion and deodorant out there.
61) I draw stick figures on everything.
62) My favorite candy bar is Three Musketeers
63) I don’t ever want to move out of Utah
64) I have had six speeding tickets
65) I do not understand our political system-nor do I care to try to.
66) Peanut Butter M&M’s are my favorite kind of M&M’s
67) My favorite cookie is a snickerdoodle. (or, nickernoodlen)
68) Favorite movie right now is Iron Man. I can’t seem to get enough of it. And RBJ in it is so hot.
69) If there were a disaster of sorts (be it zombies rising from the grave or a serial killer) I wouldn’t fight for my life. I’d give up-and quickly.
70) If someone I knew were kidnapped, I’d probably give up hope of seeing them again after like a week. I love you all a lot, but realistically, by then, you’re probably dead.
71) I would love to be in the mafia. Probably more as a daughter or wife of someone than a part of the group that kills people.
72) My middle name is Gabrielle
73) My favorite flower is the daisy
74) I don’t really have any embarrassing moments. If anything does happen, I’m usually embarrassed for like 14 seconds, and then I’m over it.
75) Babies and children make me uneasy, in the same way a bear does. You just don’t know for sure what move they’ll make next.
76) I hate puns. (But I still use them sometimes…I’m so ashamed)
77) Every time I’m sick, I watch the Father of the Bride movies
78) I’ve started to train for a half marathon.
79) My current 5k goal is run it in less than 27 minutes.
80) My guilty pleasure TV show is Moonlight. It is so ridiculous, but I can’t help but love it.
81) I have an accidental wink.
82) I once rolled in a van-without a seatbelt, so I literally rolled about in the van.
83) My favorite ice cream is chocolate chip cookie dough
84) I am one of seven kids. 4 older brothers, an older sister, and a younger sister.
85) I am a champion at the “seven degrees of separation” game
86) I love to play Scattergories-I think I pull it out at every family party.
87) Whatever pen I’m writing with for the day has to match my outfit-as does the highlighter I’m using
88) I have a super good memory when it comes to TV shows or movies-I can recite most of the lines after one viewing.
89) I hate the following foods: mushrooms, tomatoes, seafoam, onions, cantaloupe, any fish/seafood, ricotta cheese, white chocolate, cucumbers, blueberries, watermelon.
90) I loves me a Chai tea frappucino-but the hot Chai tea makes me sick
91) The time that I want to live in the most is the 50’s-I think I could do very well there.
92) With the foods I hate, I do give them a second chance-I will periodically try them to make sure I do still hate them. I have only reversed a hate twice-with steak and cinnamon.
93) I don’t like the type of music where there’s people chanting in the background. It freaks me right out.
94) I have a thing with ears. Not like a fetish-but I like ears a lot, and it’s the first thing I notice on people. (and in movies)
95) I have recently become a ‘Top Contributor’ on YahooAnswers.
96) I am incredibly stubborn-I will not back down.
97) Christmas is my favorite holiday. The whole season from Thanksgiving to Christmas-the best time of the year. (Minus soccer season)
98) I broke my nose once in a soccer game.
99) I once stabbed myself in the leg with scissors. Totally on accident, but it gashed me pretty good.
100) If I’m in a bad mood, a hot dog can cheer me right up.
101) I own 924 DVD’s.

This was much harder than I originally though it was going to be! It’s hard to name this many things about yourself. I challenge you peeps to do it also or at least give it the old college try. I hope you learned new things about me!


Unknown said...

#74-...no embarrassing moments. But I seem to recall a day in a Hoagie Yogi...

PJ said...

I so badly want to go see the Iron Man again. I honestly want to comment on every single one of your answers, but that would be lame. I'll just settle with, I'm proud of you!

Maleen said...

Very cool. There were definitely some things that I did NOT know about you. Are you sure about the chocolate ice cream thing?

Chelle! said...

WOW!! Those are too cool. It is interesting that we have several things in common--good thing because we work so well together. Wasn't it today that someone said that we keep life interesting at work?!

julie said...

good things in your 101, i will refer back for reference thanks