Wednesday, November 5, 2014

New Phone Time

Husband I decided that after more than 3 years of marriage, might as well get onto a family plan of cell phones. Of course, we switched to his plan, his service being better, and because of this, I had to get a new phone, you can’t bring your old phone to a new place, apparently. So, with the Verizon phone switching program, I could turn my iPhone to them, and the would give me one for free! A victory, I say. So finally, the phone came, and my AT&T contract was up. So today, I went to the Verizon store to get my phone turned on.

It is a really weird switch, going from the 5 to the 6. The iPhone 6 is much bigger, much skinner, and wider. I am not used to it yet, but hopefully I will be soon. It took me a long time to get everything back to the way it was. It deleted all the music off my phone, and reset all my contacts and information. After many much hours, it’s finally back to the way I want it!


Chelle! said...

I don't like that you are on a different service than me. Your messages come in broken paragraphs.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like switching to a new service provider was a great move. Having the same one as your husband can be very beneficial, and signing up for a family share plan lessens the prices of individual phone contracts. In any case, I'm glad that you're satisfied with the service Verizon offers since you made the switch. Thanks for sharing that, Vieve! All the best! :)

Allen Fernandez @ 1300 Numbers