Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Every Vote Counts!

Happy Voting Day! Hopefully everyone that has the ability to vote will do so. I did, of course, walked myself over to the voting booths, placed my vote, and wore my “I Voted!” sticker proudly. And then tonight, I of course had my scout pack meeting, and again, we decided to have mock elections. The treats this time were all healthy, I had chosen carrot sticks, another chose bananas, and the last was apples and peanut butter. My poster was fabulous as always:


The gal who was first on the agenda is an older lady, and she was really concerned that we would be lying in our campaigns. We told her there was no need to lie, but there’s no problem if we do – lying happens in real elections all the time. So after all her worrying that I would lie, she gets up to do her speech, and she full on lied! She had a power point presentation with rock climbers, skateboarders, the whole nine yards of what boys are into. She sits down, and when I get up, I basically repeat what’s on the poster, claim that her treat (Which she called Bomb Dip) was likely to explode in your mouth when eating it, and then I sat down, and held my poster up. The last leader got up and did her campaign, and then the kids voted.

And surprise! I won! I was so jazzed! We ate the carrot sticks, and I danced my way home with my victory.

1 comment:

Chelle! said...

I love your poster!!!