Monday, November 3, 2014

Miscellaneous Monday

When I got home from school on Friday, as I walked in the door, Husband said “I did something wrong”. Immediately I start looking around the house, wondering what the heck is going on. I come upstairs and see him, and there it is: he had shaved his head. Not like, Mr. Clean, bic shaving kind of thing, but he buzzed it. It was so different looking at first! Now, I’m used to it, and I rub his head quite frequently. I don’t know if he’s keeping it like this forever, or just for right now, but it’s kind of fun!

We have some pictures that we recently had framed, and it was about time we put them up onto the wall. I don’t like where they’re placed. I don’t like how they are, but nobody seems to agree with me, and I can’t seem to get Husband to move them. They look so awkward where they are! And I don’t know how to get people to get on my side here, but somehow, I will get these pictures moved.

Today, I stayed after class in math, because I needed to ask my teacher about the math class I should be taking next semester. I wondered if I should be taking Math 990, or skip that and go to Math 1000. As he was explaining the difference between, and explaining what the 1000 class would be like, I asked him if he thought I could handle the jump, the skipping class. He said yes, and then he said, that without checking to see exactly where I stood, I was one of the top 3 students of the class. I was SO JAZZED when I heard this! I knew all my hard work this semester has paid off, and now the decision is made. Starting next semester, I’m taking Math 1000. Hopefully I do well!

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