Monday, November 24, 2014

Miscellaneous Monday

I had to drive Rory back to the airport today, and it was a sad occasion. We didn’t get to spend nearly enough time together as I would have liked, but at least we got to see each other a little bit. The baby was as cute as his pictures convey, and it turns out I am pretty good at getting him to go to sleep. We had many much good times, playing on the floor…sitting on the couch…staring at each other…really, babies are boring. But I’ll miss his tiny face, and hopefully he’ll come back before he’s too big!

I don’t have school at all this week, which is really exciting! I mean, it won’t change my life too much, since I’ll still be getting up at the same time and basically doing the same amount of stuff, but at least I won’t have homework! …except I went ahead and decided that during this break I should work on my BIG homework assignments that will be due at the end of the semester. I’ve gotten a real jump on my math project, and now I just need to write a paper (for my geography class, what the what) and then I won’t have to stress too much at the end!

I have a small nephew that comes over from time to time, and he’s enamored with the magnets on my fridge. I have many much magnets on there, and he grabs the ones he can reach and plays with them. I usually can’t see him, I’m chatting in the room with his father, and this last week, he’s broken two magnets: a magnet (from Hawaii!) that’s a ukulele, and a school bus magnet I’ve had since I was about 16. So basically, this kid isn’t allowed to be in my kitchen anymore, at least not by himself. Hopefully I’ll not lose anymore to this vicious toddler!

1 comment:

Chelle! said...

I love your miscellaneous Mondays. They make me smile...well, most of them. Sorry about the magnet. :(