Thursday, September 8, 2011

Penny Can!

I don’t know how many of you watch Cougar Town, but I love that show. Its completely different than what you expect – it may have started out a show about Jules (Courtney Cox) dating younger guys, but the show has ditched that premise since about the 3rd episode. It’s about a group of friends who are hilarious, and drink a serious amount of wine (seriously, I don’t know how they’re sober, and all still have their livers.) But, there’s a game they invented on this show that is so fun, and I play it often. Behold:

Those are the rules of Penny Can, and yes, they are not at all hard. There are some new rules they’ve added. If you get a rimshot, you get flicked in the ear. If your penny goes in and out, you have a mustache drawn on your face. So far, though, I’ve never done the ‘stache attack, because that’s just mean. We’ve not had a proper Penny Can yet, we mostly just play with cups, vases, bowls, etc. Until now.

For my birthday, PJ made me my very own Penny Can. She took pictures and show quotes to decorate my can, and it is glorious:


So there it is, my very own Penny Can. We’ve been playing this all the time since I’ve gotten it. We’ve played it with the can down on the first floor, and all of us up on the second floor, overlooking it. That way is difficult – the height sometimes makes it so that the penny just pops right back out. But it’s still fun.

I brought Penny Can to work today, and Chelle and I played for a bit. Of course, we were being quiet, so when a penny made it in, we softly said our “Penny Can!” so as not to disturb anyone, but still celebrate the victory. This is what the ground looks like after we play:


I’m sadly not very good at this game. I make only about 15% of the pennies I throw, but I still have a blast. If anyone out there has the time/inclination to play this game, I totally recommend it, its so much fun. And remember, no matter who makes it, everyone has to say “Penny Can!” because it just makes it better.


Chelle! said...

Aw...penny can. You should make one for us to keep at work. How fun would that be?!!! PENNY CAN!!!!

Maleen said...

I am oddly tempted to go out and make a penny can today. But I don't have any cans big enough.